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Van Nuys Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

A workplace injury has the potential to derail your career and leave you in an uncomfortable financial state. Despite that, some Van Nuys employees fail to report work injuries, fearing retaliation from their employer. However, the workers’ compensation system was designed to benefit both employers and employees, and you deserve fair compensation if you suffer an injury at work.

The Van Nuys workers’ compensation lawyers at Pisegna & Zimmerman, LLC is committed to helping injured employees stand up for themselves in the workplace. When you’re struggling to file a claim or get appropriate compensation, don’t wait—contact us to find out how we can help. Give us a call at 818-888-8888 to get started. We’re ready for virtual meetings and can consult with you over Zoom. We handle signing of legal documents remotely via DocuSign, so you don’t have to worry about leaving your home while you recover from an injury. If you do want to meet in person, we are able to travel to you!

How Workers’ Compensation Works in California

Workers’ compensation is a program managed by the Division of Workers’ Compensation that helps employees and companies alike. If employees are hurt at work, they don’t have to pursue a personal injury claim and prove fault to get their medical bills paid and receive partial wages. When an employee is hurt, employers no longer have to worry about personal injury claims that can easily bankrupt a small business.

After you’re injured, you have to report it to the appropriate party. This program offers compensation both for one-time injuries and injuries or illnesses that occur as the result of repeated exposure to toxins or routine tasks.

Once your claim is improved, you get your medical care paid for by your employer. This covers doctors’ visits, prescriptions, follow-up visits, surgical expenses, and anything else related to your injury. Temporary disability payments are available to those who are only temporarily unable to work, and permanent disability benefits are available to those who lose their ability to work in their current role forever.

Benefits can last no longer than 104 weeks within a five year period of the injury. There are some injuries that are an exception to this general rule. If you reach the point of maximum medical improvement before that time, your benefits will likely be terminated.

Why Was Your Claim Denied or Disputed?

The workers’ comp system was intended to be straightforward and stress-free, so why was your legitimate claim denied? Unfortunately, some employers still routinely deny claims. A high number of workers’ compensation claims may cause their insurance costs to rise, so managers may discourage injured employees from seeking care. Some of the reasons they give for denying benefits include:

  • Reason to believe that the injury did not occur at work
  • Suspicion that the injury is falsified or exaggerated
  • Insufficient evidence of injuries and accident
  • Accident reported too late
  • Did not seek medical treatment through an approved physician
  • Injury caused by a pre-existing condition

While some claim denials are legitimate and the result of genuine concern about the claim itself, some claim denials are just cost-cutting measures that serve to pad a company’s bottom line. Rather than giving up and assuming that you’ve hit a dead end, seek legal assistance after a claim denial. You may be able to push back against the denial and get the benefits you’re owed.

Yes, You Do Need a Van Nuys Workers’ Compensation Attorney — Here’s Why

You’re looking at paperwork telling you about your denied workers’ compensation claim or you just came back from a meeting where your manager told you why they would not be filing a claim for you. Now what? Now it’s time to address this problem head-on with a Van Nuys workers’ compensation lawyer at Pisegna & Zimmerman, LLC.

The field of workers’ compensation law is complex and often misunderstood, which is why so many employees do not know their rights. If their employer tells them that they cannot file a claim or receive compensation, many employees are likely to take their boss at face value and drop their claim.

However, remember that workers’ compensation does not require you to prove that your injury was caused by someone being negligent. If your injury occurred at work, your employer is probably obligated to pay for it.

At Pisegna & Zimmerman, LLC, our work injury attorneys fight aggressively to help mistreated employees. The workers’ compensation system exists to give you a safety net as you recover, and you’re entitled to everything it offers. Take advantage of our extensive knowledge and experience in this area, and protect yourself from unfair claim denial or workplace retaliation.

Contact our law firm NOW at 818-888-8888 to schedule your free initial consultation, or fill out a contact form to have a team member reach out to you directly. We are a Virtual Ready law firm—we can meet with you over Zoom and sign documents with DocuSign to get paperwork processed more quickly. If necessary, we can come to you to talk to you in person.